Policy Prototyping for the Future of Work
Partners: Harvard Kennedy School and Stanford Cyber Initiative
Scope: 8 week project culimnating in a convening and a report
Brief: Design and organize a creative summit to prototype policy solutions for the future of work
The future of work will require massive re-skilling of the American workforce for which current policy “toolboxes” for economics, labor, technology, workforce development and education are often siloed and antiquated. To meet the needs of tomorrow’s workers, today’s policy makers must grapple with these interdisciplinary policy issues. We developed novel design-driven approach to create policy “prototype” solutions that are inherently interdisciplinary, human-centered, and inclusive for the future of work. Using our design-driven approach, we collaborated with more than 40 interdisciplinary and cross-sector thinkers and doers to generate 8 distinct policy prototypes to support the future of work. This approach shows significant potential to refine and test existing policy making processes, stimulate the development of new ideas for further development, build strong coalitions for implementation, and increase the likelihood that solutions are built with the impacted end-users in mind.